NBC Evening News Lester Holt Still Relying On Dr. Fauci’s Word

Does anyone who watches NBC Evening News know what’s going on in Dr. Anthony Fauci’s life? I as a rule watch NBC evening news and was shocked to see Lester Holt last night crowing about Fauci’s Covid-19 Delta Variant predictions. Holt must know what Fauci is about by now.

Sounds more like Intimidation or scare tactics to me. Throughout the whole Coviod-19 pandemic NBC and the other Democratic-controlled networks have been pounding fear into their viewers. But the point of this article is to point out Dr. Anthony Fauci’s recently revealed Wuhan lab involvement.

06/23/21: Last night, Tucker Carlson spent nearly 15 minutes outing Google who was allegedly caught red-handed funding covid research. As people died from covid-19 Google was censoring independent publishers like myself. Dr. Fachi is heavily involved in this Google scandal too.

06/06/21: As another dump of Dr. Anthony Fauci’s emails is making the rounds, I’m wondering if Covid-19 was engineered to be a bioweapon. We know U.S. funding was funneled through a non-profit to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, AKA Chinese Academy of Sciences research institute.

06/03/21: Former President Donald Trump pointed to the trove of emails belonging to Dr. Anthony Fauci to demand the scientist answer “questions,” including what he knew about “gain of function” research at the Chinese lab, and insisted that China pay $10 trillion to the United States in damages.

06/03/21: The not-so-good Dr. Fauci is up to his nuts in the Coviod-19 origin and the media is calling for him to be fired and face criminal charges. Dr. Anthony Fauci once argued that conducting experiments on contagious viruses to increase their potency was worth the risk, even if the work could accidentally lead to a worldwide pandemic, it was revealed. Fauci LIED and Millions Died!

06/02/21: Dr. Anthony Fauci’s inbox was flooded with correspondence from all corners of the world, including China, at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, according to excerpts of his emails published this week. I’ve been saying there’s a rat in the woodpile since the beginning! 

There are five articles I’ve blogged in the past month about Covid-19 and Dr. Anthony Fauci. And there’s plenty more where those came from. So don’t even try and tell me Lester Holt didn’t have this information also. Networks like ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, and NBC (add your favorites here) are Lobbyists for the Democratic Party. You can not rely on them, to tell the facts and the truth!

Article Sources: NBC Evening News, Lester Holt, and various other article linked reference sites.

I'm an original Floridian and hobbyist Internet webmaster who specializes in SEO and WordPress mods and tweaking. Also i''m well versed on CloudFlare CDN setup and best practices. I had a nearly fatal fall a year ago and still are unable to walk, and are in a SNF facility being cared for. But my doctors are unable to diagnose why i can no longer walk. Please pray for me!❤️

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